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Criteria and Options

Most recent only/All data
Unit system
Area scale
Quantity scale
Yield scale


How to use this page

To begin browsing data, make some selections in the filter dropdowns located in the Criteria section above. Each selection you make will automatically update the available selections in the subsequent filter boxes. For example if you select 'Argentina' under Locations, only crops for Argentina will be displayed in the next Crop filter dropdown. You must select at least one item in each box in order to generate a widget containing the results matching your filters.

You can rearrange the order of the filter dropdowns by grabbing the little move handle next to each filter dropdown title and dropping it into the position that you want.

Press the 'Display' button to display the data in a widget.

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  • • Save widgets (tables/charts/maps) that you create to dashboards in your account that you can login to view at any time that are always populated with up-to-date statistics
  • • Set alerts on widgets so that you can be automatically be notified when the dataset(s) are updated
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  • • Manage events in your calendar
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Results will appear here after you have filled out the criteria filter boxes and press the 'Display' button.